Monday, July 27, 2009

American Pleasure

July 27th-9:30 P.M.

Today was a pretty relaxing day. This morning we took our laundry and did a little shopping. Later in the morning we watched a man as he loaded our laundry on to his bike and off he went to heaven only knows where. I have a feeling that one of the days we are going to be going though town and see our laundry hanging from someone's apartment window.

This afternoon David picked us up and took us the the movies. We saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was in English with Chinese subtitles. The movies were very similar to our movies with one exception. Assigned seats. Pretty smart huh. Isabel did seem to enjoy the movies. Another first for her. Bless her heart I think everything we have done this week has been a first for her.

We also went to McDonalds. I've never enjoyed McDonalds so much. It was very crowded. Will and I shared some fries. Isabel still won't try french fries. Our young grasshopper doesn't know what she is missing.

After our little excursion we just came back to the hotel and went to the "deli" for dinner. Not really a deli because they don't have sandwiches. Only authentic Chinese food but it's cheap. Not my favorite place but Will and Isabel like it. Will and I are getting quite handy with the chopsticks. You have to. They don't give you the fork option at the deli.

We've been trying to work on our English each night before we go to bed. Isabel is so shy. She still is really not talking to us much during the day. I'm really worried about her school work. It has been very slow going. This is one time I wish I wasn't a teacher. I really want her to succeed in school and I think it is stressing me out. I guess I need to remember that Isabel has only been with us for one week today and Rome wasn't built in a day.

She was worth the wait!
Love ya, need ya, miss ya!
Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. Try not to worry so much. Things will be fine over time. Remember that children learn new information easier than us "older folks". You guys are doing well.... King and his Court

  2. Marla.. just remember when Kim was in your room.remember how for along she was and had only been here for a short time.When you come home and Isabel only hears English she will start picking it up really fast..just enjoy the journey.. and YES she is worth the wait.. I know.. can't wait to meet her
    Big hugs to you

    The lorberbaum's

  3. O(∩_∩)O~
    Don't worry so much~~
    Just like what you said, Rome wasnt built in one day. You are really doing well!!

  4. Marla, all my grand daughters are smart and pretty, so don't worry. I have 6 now and that makes me an expert. You are a mother first now and a teacher second.
    Just put her with the other grand daughters. Billie will teach her to "cuss".
    Relax and come on home.
    Love to all of you,

  5. Marla,
    Did you forget that you are not alone on the education front?
    You are bringing Isabel home to 40 of the finest teachers in the state of Georgia!! We'll be there for you and Isabel!
    As "Grandpa" says....Relax and come on home!!!
    P.S. "Grandpa" is a very cool'll have to bring him to Westwood one day so we can all meet him!

  6. Marla ( my fellow crier)
    As one who has experience in teaching English to non-English speakers, relax. It will be ok. There's a process that one goes through to acquire language. Being able to put things together enough to speak is often the hardest. I assure you she is picking up things and making associations that will in time all work together. She does have time on her side. I can help with this when you get home. As Grandpa Bill says ( He is so great!-He's a hit on this blog) you are her mother first and she knows you love her. Before you know it, you will "both" be crying (that's a good thing) and I'll cry with you. GRIN.
    To Will: You have a very wise, tender-hearted Dad that is truly a blessing to the three of you.

  7. Marla, just enjoy your time with Isabel. Don't worry about the schooling. That is what teachers are for. You are a wonderful teacher, and Wyatt was lucky to have you the last two years. You taught him things and got things out of him at school that I would never be able to get out of him at home and I am a teacher. Everything will fall into place once she gets into school. Can't wait to meet her!

  8. We are enjoying reading about your journey. I've been excited and cried along with you. Isabel is very lucky to have you and we are deliriously happy for you. Our church is praying for your continued safe travel and we can't wait to see family photos.

    The school stuff will come when she's in GA. Take your teacher hat off for awhile - and keep working on the french fries. If she can handle Mtn Dew, surely she'll like fries.
