Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rainy Day in Guanghoz

We just returned from having lunch at.....Subway. Yes, good 'ol Subway. The only other American restaurant here on Shamain Island besides Papa Johns. Isabel seemed to be ok with it. I thought it was great and you didn't have to eat it with chopsticks. Tonight we are having dinner with the group at a Thai restuarant. I'm not a big fan of Thai in the U.S. so we'll have to see how that goes. I'm sure it will be great.

This morning we went with several in the group to a wholesale baby clothing place. We went along because we thought it might have other clothes for older children. The group divided up and shopped for about an hour. This was probably not our favorite place. It was a little hairy. We had been warned about pick pockets. We didn't stray too far from the main drag. Since we are obviously American we do get lots of looks. Many people come up to us and ask for money or try to sell us misc. stuff. Yesterday while we were with David at the movies a woman came up to Will asking for money and would not let it go. David started screaming at her and she screamed back. Finally Will and David both screamed and she left us alone. It was quite funny. All in all I feel very safe here in China, but we are always very careful.

When we were coming back it started raining harder than I think I've ever seen it rain. Within just a matter of minutes the water was up to peoples knees. Guangzhou has no drainage system. I feel very sorry for the people walking and on bikes. Today I phoned home and spoke with my mother. It was a quick conversation but it was good to hear her voice. Luckily we've had the blog so that our family could keep up with us daily. I know that our family is worried but at least this way since they can't be here with us we can let them know how we are doing each day. We will be forever grateful to John and Kara Crews for helping us to set up our blog.

She was worth the wait.
Hugs and kisses to all.
Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. Marla, Will and Isabel,

    Isn't it amazing how God sends help along...from the Crews who set up your blogsite to all the others who have worked to bring you and Isabel together...

    I'm enjoying seeing China through your eyes. What an adventure you've had. We'll look forward to meeting Isabel after she's had time to adjust to life in America...what an adjustment for her. We'll continue to pray that all goes smoothly in getting her home. Jo

  2. Miss you guys-hope you do not decide to relocate there anytime soon... We need to introduce Isabel to Steak n Shake when you get back!

  3. this is a test to see if i can post a comment deetz

  4. Here we go again, following this blog has been wonderful. The first days constantly brought tears and then I just enjoyed. I've been wanting to comment but couldn't and today it took my oomputer guy 45 minutes on the phone to walk me though this. My point, give Isabel lots of time, look a year ahead not days, the three of you are going to be just fine and a great family. ddetz

  5. Thunderstorm knocked me offline yesterday. Sounds like you had a frog strangler,too. Will,it was great to hear your voice this morning and Marla, your mom called too. Grand daughter, can't wait to hear from you. three of your cousins, are playing travel softball. they stored 26 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts in my kitchen. Make your dad let you try them. Cousin Harry stopped by after emergency room. He stepped on a nail and got a tetanus shot. Cousin billie has ringworm from seven new beagle puppies. The girls brought them by after a vet trip, and I wish you could have been here. Cousin Marti, she's 10, had lunch with me at Pawleys Island. She says she's got the best throwing arm in the family,but Mildred and Emma say the only thing she has is the biggest mouth in the family.
    We all want you to come as soon as you can.
    You'll need to rest up and get used to Dalton and your new home, before you come down. I remember coming to Parks AFB from Tokyo with a box lunch on Flying Tiger Air, I woke up and found that it was the middle of the night. You will need to sleep a lot when you get home.
    You will also need your rest to meet your cousins and their twenty dogs, chickens, ducks,
    horses and one cat.
    I'm going to tell you I love you. We say that a lot in my family. Jim, My grandson and your oldest cousin and I have been signing off that way for over twenty years and that's the last thing your dad and I say to each other and we usually talk every night. It was the last thing you Grand Mother said to me, before
    she lost the power of speech. Your grand mother and I can still exchange hugs, however, and that's enough for me. I can teach you to say " I love you" in English and I look forward to that.
    All my love to you, Grand daughter and to your mom and dad.

  6. Hi guys, Robyn and I are so happy for you and can't wait to meet Isabel when you get home. We know it has been a difficult journey but God has blessed you all in a special way. We feel so fortunate to be able to follow your BLOG. Safe travel -- Our Love & Prayers are with you.
