Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Things We Take for Granted

Sunday-July 26th, 1:00 P.M.
Just returned from a wonderful church service. There is one Chrisitian and one Catholic church on Shamain Island. Very sad, these are the only two churches we have seen since we have been in China, and we have been all over this city and two other cities. Wow, the things we take for granted. The service was translated into English and even one English hymn. Not one that we know, but sang along and enjoyed it very much. It was very moving to see the excitment for Christianity. You could not have packed another person into that church. When the service was over a young woman came up to us and asked if we were from American and if we were Christian. Then she asked how long we had been Chrisitians. Will and I just looked at each other and then told her since we were little. We couldn't help but think how blessed we are to have parents that introduced Jesus Christ to us at such an early age. We will keep our new Chrisitian friend "Judy" in our prayers.

We are back now with our large travel group. (six other families). It has been nice to see them and hear there stories and meet their children. We found that while they were away several people have gotten sick. We have been very lucky. Hope our luck holds out.

Isabel is smiling a little more each day. Food has not been nearly as difficult for her as we thought it would be. Last night we introduced her to Papa John's Pizza. We ordered from our room and they delivered to the hotel on a bicycle. It was a real treat. She ate a piece of cheese pizza and a bread stick.

Boy it is a small world. We were in a store last night and struck up a conversation with another adoptive couple. We of course asked were they were from. They were from Jefferson, North Carolina and went to Appalachian State. They were there the same years as my sister and bother-in-law and are friends with my sister's two college roommates. Small world!

She was worth the wait.
Hugs and kisses to all,
Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. I know it must be comforting to meet others who share your/our belief system. In my job, I see the vast difference of beliefs on a daily basis, but it often goes unnoticed due to living in the South(Bible Belt). We are so happy for the three of you. Glad Will found some Mt. Dew to drink; bet it doesn't taste quite the same. Marla, I hope the food has not made you too sick, I know you have a sensitive stomach. Wishing all of you the best.
    King and his Court

  2. Hi~it's me again~I am so happy to hear that Isabel is smiling more each day~She can do it, so can you~~
    Miss you all,

  3. I realy hope that you can keep this blog after you go back to the states,Marla.It's the memory for everyone of us~~

  4. Marla and Will,

    Each day I am so excited to read the day's events. Of course each day as I read, I have tears of joy streaming down my face. It is so evident that God has had his arms around all of you for this whole process. Yes, she is a gift and so blessed to be your daughter. I can't wait to meet her and love her and watch her grow.
    When you had challenges with your flights/luggage, I cried because I knew Marla was probably losing it...grin. Hope its much better on the way home.
    Now that Isabel has tried Mt. Dew, Marla you have to find a Dr. Pepper.
    May God continue to bless all of you.

    Beth Smith

  5. I wouldn't worry about Isabel being shy. Her entire universe has been temporary for eleven years. She will come to understand that your love is constant, unconditional and permanent. God has plans for my new grand daughter and hopefully, they include me and her aunts, uncles, grand parents, and cousins. I suggest that you may look back on her shyness, wistfully, from the advantage of time. You must remember that you never met Isabel until July 20th. In any event, it is the duty and privilege of parenting a child, to be concerned
    at every imagined shadow that may threaten.
    Time is your ally. The good lord put you three together for a purpose. Just love her and care for her and all will be well.
    Love to the new family,

  6. Grandpa is absolutely correct! Thank you, Bill, for the wisdom of age and experience....

    I had already ventured to church earlier today - but got a wonderful inspirational message in your blog entry, too! We ARE very lucky to have the religious freedoms and opportunities in our country...and awesome parents to instill in us the beliefs and direction that carry us through life.

    Small world side story - Lynn Maxey and I met a couple from NC (she attended Appalachain State, too) on our last journey. We were in the Dominican Republic. Ya'll must be EVERYWHERE! :o)

    Continue this life-long journey - and share when you can!
    Love, Donna, Haynes, Morgan and Madison

  7. I read the zoo blog yesterday and thought we do take things for granted knowing that Isabel has never been to a zoo. Then I read today's blog and thought "Oh no, my friend Marla doesn't think her little Catholic, high shcool buddy from North Carolina is Christian." You do know we Catholics are Christian-don't you? Just kidding, it's just the way you wrote it- it sounded funny. We truly do take for granted the most precious freedom we have - to worship God. I'm sure you and Will will do a great job ensuring that Isabel knows Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
    It was interesting to learn that Papa John's exists in China.
    I'm so glad to know that Isabel is smiling more each day.
    You're in our thoughts and prayers.
    lots of love,
