Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to Beijing

Friday, July 31st-3:00 P.M.

Well....we are back in Beijing. We were up this morning at 4:30 for a 10:00 flight. Isabel did well for her first flight ever. She walked on the plane, sat down, went to sleep, and woke up when we landed. I don't know why Will and I were worried. In Beijing we got off to the plane and were supposed to be met by a driver to take us to the hotel. Didn't happen. Evidently the driver was late. Not good when you don't speak Chinese. We were able to phone one of our guides, Susan and she met us.

Now we are at the Sino-Swiss Hotel. Not remotely close to a five star. If this hotel is any indication of lodging in Switzerland we won't be vacationing there anytime soon. When we arrived, the guide closed Will's hand in the car door. I thought he had lost it, the fingers that is. Will did not say a word. Later he told me he didn't want to cuss in front of Isabel. Needless to say it is very swollen and we can't find ice.

9:30 P.M.-Well we're still going. We've just returned from a wonderful afternoon of sight seeing. Susan our guide bought Will an herbal pain reliever for his finger. She said it was to stimulate blood flow. Will was putting it on his fingers and accidently poured the bottle all over his shorts. We all got dizzy on herbal fumes.

We climbed the Great Wall of China 362 steep steps straight up to the first watch tower and 362 straight down. It was a most awesome site. The pictures will never do it justice. When we reached the tower there was a nice cool breeze blowing. We could have spent the afternoon there but we were off again. Next we went to the Olympic stadium, the "Bird's Nest" and the "Cube" aquatic center. From there we went to Tian an men Square. Being at the places that we've only seen on TV is amazing.

Will and I have been awe struck by the magnifcent sites we've seen but Isabel has reacted just as a typical eleven year old whose parents are dragging her around to boring museums. I know that she will eventually appreciate that she has seen many of the significant sites from her homeland. Right now I think that this shy child is doing all she can to process how her life has changed in the past twelve days. We have been amazed at her strength. It truly breaks my heart that at eleven years old she has not had a family to love, guide, teach and protect her. She is so brave. Would I have had the strength to endure all that she has, probably not. Please keep Isabel in your prayers that she adjusts well to her new life in America with her new family.

We ended this eventful day with a traditional dinner of Beijing Roast Duck. Other dishs included shrimp, very spicy potatos and an even hotter rice dish. When we got back to the hotel we discovered roast duck on Will's back. Obviously have not mastered chopsticks.

She was worth the wait!

Hugs and kisses to all!

Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. There's no place like home! And we cannot wait for you all to be home. It is hard to believe your trip is almost over. It seemed as if it would never get here and you are now on your way back to the states.
    We cannot wait to see you all and meet Isabel. The kids are so excited about Isabel and Ryan is already creating ways that you could convince her to eat french fries.
    I am sure she eats a lot of things he would never try.
    Mom & Dad are waiting patiently for your return. They are just so excited and proud of you all. Everyone is!
    We love you and we can't wait to see you.
    Deanna, Scott, Ryan & Brooke Ann

  2. The rest of the North Carolina folks can't wait for you to get here. We just want to know that you are home safe and sound. We can't wait to meet Isabel.
    Love from all,
    Aunt Marj

  3. I bet Isabel thinks her parents were worth the wait, too!!! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Rita Rehberg

  4. Come home safe. Looking forward to catching up in person. Call us when you get time. Much love to all....King and his Court

  5. Hey Y'all!
    While you were climbing the steps of the Great Wall we were climbing the steps of the Gwinnett Center! Yep, we got to see all our American Idols tonight. Sure wish you and Isabel could have joined us - it was great! (I will say that I think concerts are louder now than back in the 70's...or could it just be age??!!) Jack got Lynn and I backstage passes and we personally met almost all the idols! Anoop was awesome and so nice, of course! Scott is a real sweetheart. We've got pictures!! Can't wait til you're home on American soil....won't be long now....thanks again for sharing your amazing journey.
    The best is yet to come!!
    God speed,

  6. Sorry about your hand, son. Keep it elevated on the flight home, or it will throb. It will get well, though I've broken bones in both hands, luckily not at the same time, or I would have found out who my real friends were.
    I hope you will call when you land safely in the States. Isabel is very brave and I'm sure just as smart & pretty. can't wait to see her. Hope your hand will allow you to handle bags, I remember difficulty in reaching in pockets. Some folks still suffer from this affliction.
    Interrupted this to answer phone. Hope it might be you, but it was Dargan, checking on you.
    Keeping up with the new family, was fun, but I'm ready for the entertainment to stop, and the family to enjoy a group hug.
    Love to You, Marla & Isabel,

  7. Just talked to will. All in Seattle. bags probably in Chattanooga. 4hr. delay in tokyo, Seattle for Isabel to clear customs. missed connector. will know more later and will update. May stay over, but are trying to come on tonight.
    Many thanks to all who have followed the progress of my boy and girls.

  8. Thanks, Grandpa Bill. I wondered how we would know if they were on their flight or not. I know they will be beyond exhausted and glad to get home.
    Pridgen family- I don't know if you will read this, but my prayers are with you today and tonight as you travel. This is SO wonderful. God made you wait a long time for Isabel and I do believe He chose her for you and kept her safe until her parents could come get her to give her all the love a little girl could dream of. I can't imagine how she will feel to see her big, new house and beautiful room. She will know she is a princess!
    With MUCH love and yes, tears,
    Lisa Manly

  9. To all concerned:
    Located bags &will spend the night in Seattle. Leave for Chattanooga tomorrow noon and if all goes well will arrive about 8:30 p.m. thanks again for following with love the adventures of my new grand daughter and her mom and dad. My best to all Will & Marla's friends & family. I'm so proud of My son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter.
    From reading your comments, they have a great support group in their new adventure and I am confident I leave my newest grand child in the hands of wonderful and caring friends in her new home town.
    Hope this is not the last post but if it is, let me say that I will miss you all, but wish you all happy times.
    My best to all of you,

  10. Marla, Will and Isabel,
    I've read each day and have been so honored and happy to have been "apart" of your journey. We are so excited for you. I was so happy to just read from Will's Dad that you are safe and back in the United States. I'm sure you've got to be exhausted. I will be happy to hear when you are back in GA. I know when you get to NC you will have family to spend time with. I truly hope we get to see you sometime soon to meet Isabel. Call me when you catch your breath. I truly can't wait to talk to you but will wait to hear from you.
    You have been in our thoughts and prayers.
    lots of love,

  11. Marla, Will, and Isabel,
    I am so relieved and thrilled to know that you are back in the good 'ole US. There's no place like home and I know you are so excited to bring Isabel to her new home in Dalton. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Words cannot express the joy I feel for the three of you. God is so good! He will continue to hold His arms around you as you begin your new life together. Isabel is so brave, so special.

    Thanks to Grandpa Bill for your wonderful words of wisdom and for sharing your thoughts
    for all to see. You have touched us all.

    I'll be in touch but will certainly give you all the time you need to get settled.

    Much love to you all,
    Beth S.
