Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Eclipse in China

Not many people from Dalton, GA have the opportunity to see a once in a lifetime eclipse in China the way we did. Another wonderful memory. This morning David our tour guide took us to Family Chen's Temple. It was breathtaking. I think we enjoyed it a little more than Isabel. She's a kid, and how much do kids really enjoy museums?

Last night we ate at an Italian restaurant here on the Shamein Island. Yes, I know you're thinking that was our first mistake, but we are seven days into this adventure and we wanted something familiar. were right. We ordered a vegetable pizza because David told us that Isabel wanted to try pizza. Yes, we got vegetable pizza but it came with carrots, broccolli, potates, egg plant and a few other veggies that we weren't even sure what they were. As you can tell David is only with us a portion of the day.

Yesterday was a big day even after the adoption. We went swimming. We finally coaxed Isabel into and bathsuit and then in to the pool. This was a big accomplishment. Never before in a bathing suit nor the pool.

We are learning so much about Isabel.
-She knows more English than we give her credit for.
-She loves fruits and veggies. Really is a not big on meat.
-She's a neat freak, aways tidying things up. Hope this quality sticks.
-She loves to watch TV, what appears to be Chinese soap operas. David assures us that it is ok. Luckily no inappropriate shows on Chinese TV.
-She loves music and apparently, "China Idol". (Yes, Marsha, Lynn, and Judy I realize I should take Isabel to the concert, but we aren't coming home until August 1st.)
-She is painfully shy.
-If she is saying "no" to us, she waves her little index finger back and forth. Will and I jokingly refer to this as getting the finger.

Thanks Deanna for posting our daily journal from the blackberry. We tryed to use the computers at the hotel yesterday only to find that the world wide web is not so world wide. Thank goodness for this blackberry.

She was worth the wait.
Hugs and kisses to all,
Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. I'm loving these posts. I feel like we will all know so much about Isabel when she gets to the states. She has so many new adventures ahead of her...and what fun to get to have them with her!
    I love her telling you "no" with the finger :)
    And she likes Idol...the young lady will fit right in! You do need to change that return ticket to an earlier date...we can still get tickets.
    Take care..we miss you and need you too.

  2. Thank you so much for opening up your hearts to share with us this incredible journey!! I feel so honored!! I hope to meet Isabel on our visit to Dalton, hopefully before we leave and return to Ohio!! God is so faithful and so very good!! We are thrilled for all of you!
    Love, Kari

  3. Sounds like this is going to be a great fit for all! I think the adjustment period appears to be moving quickly for all of you. I can't imagine the "rush" of emotion for each of you. Maybe a course in sign language would be helpful...haha.
    Keep the notes coming...King and his Court

  4. Hey Marla I to remember the first time Kim went swimming..what a luxury for her.. never been in a pool much less seen one.. I LOVE reading about your journey cause its bringing back soo many wonderful memories of going to get kim..We can't wait till you get home so we can meet her.. I go to the computer everyday to see if you have posted..LOL.. keep them coming..we love reading them.. have fun, and just enjoy the journey over there..

    big hugs to all of you
    deb lorberbaum and family

  5. Marla,
    Just reading your post brings back so many wonderful memories. Little things like the laundry come back vividly. We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet Isabel.

    Jammie Brown

  6. Marla and Will,
    We are so happy for you!! I know you have waited so long! I remember how exciting all of this is from living it with Jammie when she brought Reese and Rylei home. We can't wait to meet her! I showed Wyatt her picture. Didn't you say that she would be in his grade at Westwood? Thanks for sharing your trip with everyone!

    Hugs, Lisa

  7. OK. She likes music and veggies. How does she feel about cats? Has she ever been around one? Have you had David explain to Isabel that your eldest child is a cat?
    I heard today that you will be getting maternity leave rather than starting school right away. I don't know if that was Angela's decision, but i am thankful you all will have some time to meet relatives and settle in before thrusting your shy child into school. YOUR shy child. That has a nice sound to it, doesn't it? My love and prayers are with you.

  8. Hi Pridgen Family!!
    I love reading about all your new adventures...not only are they "firsts" for you and Will, but also Isabel. What better way to bond?! I LOVE the fact that she enjoys music...Lessie's mp3 player will be a definite hit!

    Here's to more "firsts" tomorrow!
    Love, Donna
