Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Enjoying Our Time

Wednesday, August 19th

The Pridgen family has settled into a routine and are enjoying our family time. Each day we have something to keep us busy. Whether it is our school work, visiting with friends or even doctors appointments, we are having fun.

Friday night Isabel went to her first birthday party. It was for Kara Crews who turned eighteen. I explained to Isabel that we would be eating in a nice restaurant and that she would not be able to wear her Mickey Mouse tennis shoes. I thought that she would shake her no, no finger at me, but to my surprise she came out of her room looking extremely cute with matching sandals for her outfit. I think that Isabel enjoyed Kara's birthday as much as Kara, if not more. After dinner, sweet Kara took Isabel to "Build-A-Bear" and helped her make her first teddy bear.

Sunday morning at church Isabel wore her sandals with her dress. Don't get me wrong, the Mickey tennis shoes are very cute, but they just don't quite go with every outfit.

Sunday afternoon Isabel learned another little lesson the hard way. We all three were playing with the Wii. You know how the Wii has a strap...well it has a strap for a reason. I repeatedly told Isabel to put on her strap. Each time she would just shake her head no, as if to say "no, really mom, I'm fine." I kept thinking "do I push this?", we're having such a good time. Well you know how this is going to end. About that time, the handset flew out of her hand and crashed into the light. I thought Will was going to fall off the sofa laughing and just like a true mother, I looked at Will, told him to stop laughing, and gave Isabel, "the look." Needless to say, she now wears the wrist band.

Monday Will had a dentist appointment so Isabel and I decided to go. We thought that it would be good for Isabel to see Will get his teeth cleaned so she wouldn't be nervous when she has her first visit to the dentist. While we were there we were surprised to be able to schedule an appointment for Isabel for the following day. On Tuesday Isabel and I went in for her appointment and I so glad we did. Isabel has beautiful straight teeth, however we were unaware of some extensive dental work to be done on several of her back teeth. We found that she has two abscessed teeth that must have root canals immediately. They made an appointment with endodontist and to our surprise it was for that afternoon. When we went for that appointment the dentist advised us to get our doctor to check Isabel before we begin this procedure since we have no knowledge of her family history. We have an appointment for tomorrow for a physical.

My brother and I were on the phone the other day and he asked if Isabel knew to call 911 in an emergency. Of course my response was, "she'll know it by tomorrow." It's little things like that you just take for granted that a child knows. We now have all the information scripted and by the phone. There are so many little things that we need to make sure that she knows.

She was so worth the wait.
Hugs and kisses.

Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. Thanks for letting us catch up on the Pridgen Family experiences. It has not taken Isabel long to get a sense for fashion and for playing games.
    Maybe it is good that she is getting her doctor --- dental visits done so quickly. She will know what to expect in the future if she should have pain.
    Leave it to Uncle Mark to see that she gets emergency situations training. He has been involved in fire fighting, etc., and knows the importance of Isabel getting this information.
    Tell her Aunt Marj says hello and give her a hug for me.
    Love to all.

  2. On Thursday I had a special treat. Marla came by Varnell Elementary so I could meet Isabel. What a beautiful sight to see them together! Isabel is adorable and Marla is clearly so proud of her. Although Isabel was very quiet, she was clearly very happy to be beside her mother just like two peas in a pod. She watched as teachers and students were moving about getting ready for bus dismissal and
    I wondered what she must be thinking. They were excited about going to the beach house this weekend. It is wonderful to think about Isabel experiencing the ocean for the first time. Oh what fun!

  3. Looks like I missed the chance to met Isabel by just few days,I'm so sorry about that. Anyway, I hope all goes well there. My big question is are there going to be pictures? Keep one keeping on sounds so good, deetz
