Monday, August 3, 2009

The Gift of Friendship

Monday, August 3rd 10:30 P.M.

We are finally home. We made our flights and all went well. We have rested this afternoon, but I still don't think we are completely caught up on our sleep. We arrived home to a beautifully decorated front porch complete with a huge pink and green banner that read "Welcome Home Isabel.".

Our family has experienced so many "firsts" this last twenty days. For so long we thought that by adopting we might feel that we missed out on all those baby firsts; first steps, first words. But we definitely don't feel that way now. Our "firsts" are just different. You will never know how much pleasure we experienced watching Isabel explore her new home. We know that shy little girl enjoyed exploring her room filled with clothes and gifts from family and friends. We can't help but think she is having Christmas in August.

The Chattanooga airport homecoming was a wonderful experience today. We were met by several of our friends. We had no idea how Isabel would react but I think she could completely understand the love and friendship that was expressed to both her and her parents. I can't tell you how happy we were to see familiar faces.

I will never be able to tell you how much our friends and family have meant to us during this trip. It has always been difficult for us being away from our family. However, for this trip, our friends had to play the leading role in helping us out. I know that our family would agree that saying thank you will never be enough to express our gratitude. We still haven't read all the posts. We now understand how all our prayers were answered; we were not alone in our prayers.

Tigger sends her love to all and for those of you know our "sweet kitty." You will be shocked to know that we think she and Isabel will get along just fine. She has not hissed one time. The Crews family and Dr. Lisa have completely spoiled our kitty.

We will continue to post to keep you updated on Isabel's progress. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers. The Pridgen family has a long way to go, but hopefully with each passing day Isabel will make progress.

We will close by saying a special thank you to Gary, Kim, John, and Kara Crews. They have helped us so much. They took care of "sweet kitty", filled our refrigerator with food, set up our blog, and were our connection to home. But we have to say that Kim did bring us both to tears this afternoon with a present that she left for us. Kim painted the sweetest canvas with her "kids" design. This poem is a the top of the canvas.

The Family Portrait

Once upon a time a Canvas was set.
Long before we ever met,
God placed it on the Easel. He waited.
A special Portrait would be Painted.

He set aside a Palette of Colors,
He knew just how to use them.
God waited till the Time was right,
then He began to choose them.

Placing His brush upon the Canvas
God painted an image Extraordinaire.
The details seemed faint at first,
but the Picture was truly there.

A Portrait of a Family;
a child, a mom, a dad.
This painting had something Extra,
God used everything He had.

His Palette was full of Colors,
He knew just what it would take.
Each Stroke was deliberately brushed in place.
A Special Portrait He would make.

He blended dark shadows with subtle hues of Gold.
Using the richest colors, a picture began to unfold.
One very special child, two fathers and two mothers.
The image began taking shape with such beautiful colors.

Splashes of Love outlined colors of Pain.
Shades of Joy and Sadness
were mixed throughout the Picture,
among Stripes of Sorrow and Gladness.

The Portrait was finally complete,
He gently framed it with His Heart
He hung it in the Halls of Faith . . .
A Priceless Work of Art.

She was worth the wait!

Hugs and kisses to all.
Will, Marla, and Isabel


  1. I am so glad that you are all home. I have been thinking of you and your new family and I will keep you in my prayers!

  2. Welcome Home Pridgens! I have cried more these past 20 days reading your blogs than I have in the last is no exception. Thank you for allowing all of us to be a part of this journey.
    Can't wait to see you and meet this precious child.
    love you...Lynn

  3. Can't wait for my new grand daughter to visit. Tell her she has cousins all over both Carolinas. I'm just so relieved and happy to have you all home. Will, I've missed our evening telephone chats. Your sister's seven children (the wild bunch) are eager to meet Isabel.
    We just need to take it slow and easy with your new daughter. That comes naturally to us in S. C. Let her proceed at her own pace and she will delight and surprise us all. Can't wait to see her talents revealed. Mathmatics, athletics, music, voice, drama, science,poetry, writing,dance; it will all unfold and we will all be delighted and amazed.
    You have a life time to enjoy your new daughter and if she makes you as proud,happy and content as my children have made me,and I'm sure she will,then you will be truly blessed.
    Love to you, Marla & Isabel
    Dad & Grandpa

  4. Welcome Home to all of you!! The poem is beautiful and certainly captures God's love, His grace and His provision for His children. I will continue to pray for all three of you as you begin this exciting time of transition. Remember we can do all things through God that strengthens us!! He knew about this day before the world was even created! We are excited to see how His blessings will continue to flow!! Loving you all in Ohio!!!

  5. Welcome Home Pridgen Family!!
    I am so relieved that you are finally home and now able to begin your new life together.
    Wow, what a journey it has been and thank you for sharing with us. July 20th has always been a special day to me because it is my wedding anniversary however, it is now special in another way. It is the day that Isabel officially became your daughter. It is the day that your life changed forever and in such a blessed way. Mother's Day and Father's Day has a whole new meaning to you now. When the time is right for you, I am looking forward to meeting your precious new gift, Isabel.

    Love you, Beth

  6. WELCOME HOME!! The journey continues..if there is ANYTHING that my family can do for you please let me know.. We can't wait to meet Isabel especially Kim Chi...

    big hugs to all of you..
    henri deb and kim lorberbaum

  7. Dorothy had it right.....there's no place like home!!
    So glad you are finally here. Can't wait to meet Isabel but know that you are exhausted and overwhelmed right now - in need of some time to rest and regroup.
    God is SO good...I can't stop smiling!
    See you soon,

  8. Glad you guys made it safely! I have been at Mom's(w/o a computer) so I am back and caught up on your adventure. We can't wait to meet Isabel...Hope she and Tigger can get along-maybe it is only me she(Tigger) hisses at. All of our love and prayers for a smooth week!
    King and his Court

  9. I am so grateful to know that everything is fine there. and now you are all back home~~~all the problems you met are the unforgetable experience for the fridgens ~~All my love and prayers for Will, Malar and Isabel.

  10. What joy you three have brought to all of us who have followed your blog. We have cried with you and cheered with you and prayed with you every step of the way.

    I guess you can say you had a difficult delivery having your little girl. I don't know why God thought you needed a detour or two but I SO happy to have you home.

    I was worried about Tigger accepting a new person into her family. Tigger has been very stressed with you gone. Then again, Tigger gave her blessing back when the social worker came and saw a sweet lap kitty. I think now that maybe Tigger knew how stressed her parents were during the trip. Cats just know things.

    I KNOW that ISabel has been greatly blessed beyond her wildest dreams and that she will be a blessing to you.

    I love you!

  11. What a precious love story that you have to tell. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. Becky Keck
